To a Full Beauty & Co Experience

Scottsdale Fashion Square Location

Navajo style artistry featuring the medicine wheel & Yeii.

This beautiful Zuni made pendant can be worn on a necklace or as a brooch.

Scottsdale Fashion Square Location
Our stores carry the finest Native American jewelry
in both traditional
& modern styles.

Our stores feature handmade
artworks by
Papago, Navajo, Hopi
Zuni & Cherokee artisans.

Ortega's Indian Market
offers a wide selection of:
Authentic Native American made jewelry,
pottery, Kachinas, artifacts and art,
Southwestern souvenirs, apparel & decor.
Celebrate the culture of the Southwest!

My family and I were visiting from Australia and we stopped into this store. What a beautiful shop! We learned about Turquoise and saw many stunning works of art.
The Larsen Family,
Sydney, Australia
This is the best place to buy Native American Jewelry.
They have the best selection and prices in town.
The store attendants are knowledgeable.
Jamie Dela,
Scottsdale, Arizona
My wife and I have never been to Arizona and this is our first visit! We found the Indian Market and got our whole family souvenirs!
The store is an absolute gem!
Fred & Cher Castillo,
Charleston, South Carolina